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Film and Theater

1967 High and Heimkiller

16mm, 11 min., together with F.M.Murer.

1968 Swiss Made

35 mm, colour, 45 min., together with F.M.Murer.

1969 Early Moming

stage setting for the Theater in Zurich.

1972 Passagen

colour, about H.R.Giger produced by F.M.Murer for WDR
(german television), 50 min.

1973 Tagtraum

colour, movie about a psychadelic meeting wit two other artists,
C. Sandoz and W.Wegmueller, produced by J.J.Wittmer, 28 min.

1975 Giger's Necronomicon

16mm, colour, 40 min, about the work of H.R.Giger from 1972-1975, together with J.J.Wittmer

1976 Dune

scenery design for A. Jodorowskys 70mm movie, later realised
by David Lynch, Gigers Harkonnen design was not used for the movie.

1977 Giger's Second Celebration of the Four

colour, together with J.J.Wittmer, 16mm, 5 min

1978 Alien

117 min, Horror and Science-Fiction Movie,directed by Ridley Scott,   Brandywine Production L.A., 20th Century Fox.

1979 Giger's Alien

documentary about Giger's work on Alien, colour, 16mm, 34 min, together with Mia Bonzanigo and J.J.Wittmer.

1980 The Tourist (Unrealised)

1981 H.R.Giger's Dream Quest

produced by Robert Kopuit, BCM Video-Recording on 1 inch-Tape, 40 min, Interview and Video Animation.

1981 Koo Koo

Promotionmovie for Debbie Harry, 6 min, produced by H.R.Giger.

1982 A new face of Debbie Harry

documentary produced by F.M.Murer, 30 min.

1986 Poltergeist II

87 min, directed by Brian Gibson, MGM Production L.A.

1988 Teito Monogatari

135 min, produced by Akio Jitsusoji, Japanese Production.

1990 Alien III

112 min, produced by David Fincher, 20th Century Fox.

1991 Alien I-III

documentary produced by Paul Bernard, CBS / 20th Century Fox.

1992 Satanskopf

okkult scenario from H.R.Giger, contribute for a german TV series, (Unsolved Secrets).

1992 Wall to Wall

BBC documentary about Cyberpunk-Movies, Interview with H.R.Giger.

1992 Giger's Passage to the Id

30 min, documentary produced by Atro Lahtela and Juhani Nurmi, for the finnish TV.

1992 Omnibus

Interview with H.R.Giger about Ridley Scott, BBC London.

1992 Sex, Drugs and Giger

16mm, colour, 5 min, animated movie with pictures from H.R.Giger, produced by Sandra Beretta and Baetsch for Filmfestival Solothurn.

1993 Brother to Shadows, the Alien World of H.R.Giger

documentary produced by Morpheus International, James R. Cowan and

Clara Hoericht-Frame, (in progress).

1995 Species

110 min, Horror and Science-Fiction Movie, Roger Donaldson, produced by Frank Mancuso jr., MGM L.A.

1995 Benissimo

6 min, Ballet Choreographie, five ballet dancer in a 3 dimensional
Installation with H.R.G. pictures, produced by Max Sieber for the DRS (Swiss TV)

1996 Kondom des Grauens

100 min, Regie: Martin Walz - Drehbuch: Ralf König,
ASCOT-ELITE und ECCO FILM, Creative Consultant H.R.Giger Deutschland