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Name: MaLecHi98
Website: Head Like A
Referred by: through another HR Giger homepage
From: Alburquerque, NM
Time: Friday, 31 July 1998 at 12:48:00
Website: frankfurt techno world
Referred by: ???????
From: germany frankfurt
Time: Friday, 31 July 1998 at 12:18:32
Comments: hr giger ist der meister des designs und der optik von illusionen und
wirklichkeitsuche alien figur
Name: Frank Steen
Website: http://
Referred by: ...surfing around...
From: USA
Time: Friday, 31 July 1998 at 00:54:54
Comments: great pages....x
Name: huszár attila
Website: http://
Referred by: with browser
From: hungary
Time: Tuesday, 28 July 1998 at 05:35:33
Name: Schmelter, Dennis
Website: none
Referred by: Karstadt-Cyberbar
From: Dortmund, Germany
Time: Tuesday, 28 July 1998 at 04:28:37
Comments: WOW, great!!!!!!!! Let me kiss your feet, Master
Website: http://
Time: Saturday, 25 July 1998 at 22:27:37
Name: Urs Guggisberg
Website: http://jaxx.ch
From: Switzerland
Time: Saturday, 25 July 1998 at 16:25:18
Comments: Hallo Ich bin ein neuer Giger Fan und suche Posters und Skulpturen. Kann
man das irgendwo kaufen? Gruss
Name: Aaron Tinger
Website: http://
Referred by: Search :H.R.Giger
From: Carteret, NJ, USA
Time: Saturday, 25 July 1998 at 15:00:46
Comments: Nothing needs to be said.
Website: http://
From: England
Time: Saturday, 25 July 1998 at 02:44:26
Comments: Cool sight!!!
Name: gloria
Website: http://
From: argentina, Buenos Aires
Time: Friday, 24 July 1998 at 18:15:57
Comments: I study arquitecture here in Buenos Aires and i like very much your work
Name: William A. Smith
Website: http://
Referred by: www.infoseek.com .....in a way
From: Lebanon, Virginia
Time: Friday, 24 July 1998 at 15:38:18
Comments: A fan since the first Alien film. Your work surely has a place on my
walls, my floors, and my mind.
Website: http://
Referred by: LOVE OF ART
Time: Thursday, 23 July 1998 at 16:19:58
Comments: This art is way to cool to be contained on a megar web page, illustrate
it, wear it. In case you ponder what i mean, i have just got my second Giger Tatoo, this
one on the base of my neck.
Name: Sasha
Website: http://
Referred by: Searching for Giger
From: Seattle, Wa.
Time: Thursday, 23 July 1998 at 16:05:27
Comments: Just wanted to congradulate and thank you for a dis- turbingly beautiful
depiction of utopia. I deeply love your work and look forward to more creations by you.
Name: Rave
Website: Ravens Lair
Referred by: Hotbot
From: Germany
Time: Thursday, 23 July 1998 at 12:49:19
Comments: Danke für die tollen Bilder!!! Die Site sollte aber mal überarbeitet
werden, wer hat das Programmiert??? Ein kleines Kind mit Schnuller könnte das besser
Name: Yume
Website: http://
Referred by: Dark links
From: New York
Time: Thursday, 23 July 1998 at 09:06:52
Comments: I am speech less.This place is a God sent!
Name: Bear
Website: Breathe of Hell
Referred by: Link
From: Hell
Time: Thursday, 23 July 1998 at 07:47:56
Comments: This is a really good fuckin page!!!
Website: http://
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 22:22:26
Comments: NOPE
Name: StEvE Piscione
Website: chaotictonedesign
Referred by: Bought the book "www hr giger com"
From: Chicago, IL USA
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 14:29:05
Comments: Mr. Giger, I truly do hope this commentary gets to you! I am a
"disciple of air" so to say. I am an airbrush artist like you self. Although I
often do multi-media, I am an "airhead at heart." I truly wish ti avoid being
silly but I have been moved by your werk since I was very young. And you are a definite
influence upon my werk and technique. I wish at some time I could meet you in person, but
reality is a big factor. But I would like to say 'THANK YOU' for all the images and
inspiration. SHAHEMPHORESH StEvE PiScIoNe Chicago IL USA
Website: armin's
Referred by: just surfing
From: Munich / Germany
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 06:26:42
Comments: Hi! I love the graphics. I hope the gallery will expand... Greetings,
Name: Luis Azevedo
Website: http://
From: Portugal
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 06:23:02
Comments: I think that site is too bad, is an insult for your art! I've two books
of your work! Congratulations!
Name: Bjorn Wise
Website: Bjorn
Referred by: I searched for "H R Giger"
From: Adelaide, Australia
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 04:00:00
Comments: H R Giger is a legend. This site is one of the best I've seen.
Name: Sila
Website: Taboo After Midnight
Referred by: ...
From: USA
Time: Wednesday, 22 July 1998 at 00:10:11
Comments: I would just like to thank HR Giger and Mr. Riehn for the marvelous
limited edition print I just received! No doubt, the Giger fan club goes above and beyond
to cater to the most hardcore fans of the Maestro!
Name: just call me Kruegar
Website: kruegar's
Referred by: it called me
From: Kalifornia
Time: Tuesday, 21 July 1998 at 20:47:25
Comments: I have a question for Mr.HRGiger. How did you finance your supplies an
pay bills while you where studying an practacing your work in your youth? Im trying, but
its very difficult. thank you and your work rules! Kruegar
Name: Fedor Roth
Website: http://
Referred by: sein neues Buch im "Taschen"-Verlag
From: Deutschland
Time: Tuesday, 21 July 1998 at 15:58:52
Comments: Mir gefallen zwar nicht alle Werke - manches ist mir zu sehr
"Geisterbahn", bzw. aus dem Repertoire amerikanischer Horrorfilme allzu bekannt
- aber dafür begeistern mich andere Sachen um so mehr! Die meisten Sachen sind ungeheuer
phantasievoll und vermitteln mir als Zeichner eine starke Motivation. Mir gefallen dabei
besonders die handgezeichneten bzw. lithographierten Sachen! Die Gigerbars wären
sicherlich noch aufregender, wenn sie nicht nur mit den einzelnen, wenn sehr
abenteuerlichen Objekt-Möbeln ausgestattet werden, sondern auch der Raum stärker in die
Erfindung einbezogen würde. Hier bietet der Jugendstil (Endel und vor allem Gaudi) einige
Anregeungungen - Ich bin sicher Giger könnte sie übertreffen!
Referred by: its been a long time now
From: mid america
Time: Tuesday, 21 July 1998 at 15:08:38
Comments: Its amazing the responces that youve gained from all the people around
the world. I stop by everyonce and a while and give a praise or comment, today i would
like to thank Thomas Riehn for making this website possible. and of course that wouldnt be
possible without giger. I would like to comment that the fanclub is a great way to connect
with this art that has changed parts of the aspect of our fictional aspect of writing and
entertainment. Joining is a great way to be a part of that. Ive been contacted twice so
far and each time i am suprised to get such wonderful collector editons. the support is
Website: Página pessoal de Bruno Mendes
Referred by: easy
From: Portugal
Time: Tuesday, 21 July 1998 at 05:53:57
Comments: Giger your work is something! When I was thinking to myself that I
didn´t have taste for art I find you and your work and I realized that I was wrong. Art
is HRGiger, HrGiger is Art.
Name: Aston.C.ZzHoe
Website: http://
Referred by: thru alien
From: Where Dr.Mahathir is from...
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 22:36:06
Comments: Wo Ho!! This is what I've been searchin' for. It's fantabulous,...make me
want to cut off my skull and brains more.....
Website: http://
Referred by: Searching...
From: south part of Brazil, "Rio Grande do Sul"
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 17:14:46
Comments: Giger is not from this planet. I believe that he's the most creative and
dramatic artist alive. Giger's art has touched my soul so deeply, that...
Name: Richard Clayborne
Website: http://
Referred by: WWW Giger
From: Lexington, Kentucky
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 12:26:10
Comments: Great site
Name: Brad
Referred by: altavista search
From: ohio
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 08:30:34
Comments: this is a great page. A possible addition you could make is to have some
of the art available to be used as desktop wallpaper.
Name: Markus
Website: SoulStrippers
Referred by: Had Dreams of a Giger world last night and had to come back to this
From: usa
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 08:08:51
Comments: I just cant find enough work that has the same movement as Giger.. I cant
wait till I can order furniture... and the Tattoo book is gonna be great..
Name: David Morris
Website: http://
Referred by: Search
From: Austin, TX
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 08:07:04
Comments: I have to say that I've loved H.R.Giger for years! He is the most
incredible, mind blowing artist in the world...ever! My dream would be to be able to live
in a house designed, in and out, by the genius himself. It's hard to put down the passion
I feel when viewing Giger's works...mind blowing is just the start of it. Thank you
forever. David Morris
Name: cyan
Website: http://
Referred by: being nosey
From: memphis,tn u.s.a.
Time: Monday, 20 July 1998 at 00:32:51
Comments: i think more people should join the chatroom.
Website: http://
Referred by: Love Of Giger's Art
From: San Antonio,Texas
Time: Sunday, 19 July 1998 at 22:34:26
Comments: Dear Giger & Morpheus, Continue the grand scheme. Giger, I will visit
your museum on my 32 birthday. Hope we both make it! Wir Atomkinder Peace & Good
Fucking ynos
Name: Simon Guenther
Website: http://
Referred by: searching
From: Germany
Time: Sunday, 19 July 1998 at 10:23:34
Comments: I´m highly fascinated about the artwork by Giger. He´s understanding in
showing us all the illness in society. His pictures and Designs are for me an expression
of that what is called beautifull in our society. It is more and more difficult to shock
people because we are daily filled with horror-pictures from all over the globe. I like to
thank Mr. Giger for for helping me get shocked again. I like his artwork very much, his
vision of future life. his symbiotic of technic and bio. I do see that Giger´s picters
don´t let miss a certain kind of beauty but you have to open your eyes wide to imagine
it. I have only one message to Giger: Keep on working, society needs some eye-openers like
you! Fascinated Greetings, Simon
Name: Shaun Gardiner
Website: -
Referred by: Luck
From: Bahrain (Middle East, in case you're wondering)
Time: Sunday, 19 July 1998 at 01:07:54
Comments: I have been an admirer of Mr Giger's work for the past seven years -
since I was ten. I love his film work in Alien and Species, not only because I enjoyed the
films, but rather for the designs he created. Without them, let's face it, the films
wouldn't have gone anywhere. It is deplorable that his name has not been credited properly
by Fox after his incredible designs. As an 'A' Level art student, I am also writing my art
thesis on Surrealism in film, and Giger is to be my main focus. If you're reading this Mr
Giger, thank you for the scares and beauty you have given us. And don't stop now. Shaun
Name: Robert J. Gladstein
Website: http://
Referred by: yahoo
From: Phx,Az.
Time: Friday, 17 July 1998 at 21:55:35
Comments: I believe that Mr. Giger is truly the great master of surreal artwork and
of course he should get absolute and TOTAL CREDIT for all of his Alien creatures. it does
not matter what people are saying because everyone knows he is the creator of the trilogy
series creatures.I have seen all 4 Aliens movies over and over and over because it is the
best movies i have ever seen in my 41 years. Mr. Giger thank you for a extremely loyal fan
of your Alien and please do not worry what people say . Also My sister lives in Geneva,
Switzerland and I would love to visit his museum in Switzerland. Yours truly, Robert!
Website: http://
Referred by: just hoped that HR Giger must have a homepage
From: Istanbul/Türkiye
Time: Friday, 17 July 1998 at 19:54:25
Comments: I am a student in fine arts university in istanbul,and studying
industrial design. I know about HR Giger since i have seen the movie of Alien the first
part.I have seen all the series of Alien movies. I have the book Arh+ but i want the other
books of Giger also.And i will.I love HR Giger's paintings. Now i am trying to do
paintings with airbrush looking at Giger2s painting. I saw the alien resurrecction, it has
a different kind from the others.It was also good .But i hope there will be no more movies
of Alien. I love Alien and Aliens the most.When Alien 3 and the last was directed i saw
that most of the people that loves Alien bored from it. I am not bored of Aliens but I am
bored of the movie of Aliens.Couse all the time the directors changes.Not the same
director.And the film becomes diffrent films. And i wanna know about the last big alien in
resurrection.The big baby alien,the white one.I don't know Giger or someone else designed
it. There are a lot of things to write but i don't know if i'll know that you read this or
not.I don't know if you will send me an email or not. I hope i'll get an email from you.I
hope i'll get it from HR Giger. I just hope...
Name: Jerzy Sanders
Website: http://
Referred by: Morpheus International
From: Heerlen, The Netherlands
Time: Friday, 17 July 1998 at 11:52:17
Comments: Thanx to H.R.Giger for crating this unique kind of artwork, I'm a very
big fan of the Alien-saga and SF-movies/art in general....... Giger fans email
me:Probe@freemail.nl !!!! H.R.Giger RULES SUPREME !!!!!!!!
Website: http://
Referred by: i found the address
From: french riviera
Time: Friday, 17 July 1998 at 05:14:00
Comments: congratulation for your great site !! Really interresting for the fan and
for those who didn't know the HR GIGER art. I went to the Giger bar in Chur and it really
pleased me. I'm sure the next one will be better and i'll do all my possible to visit this
forthcoming bar ! A big hello to all the Giger fans - ghost
Name: Äksy
Website: Äksy's home page in Finnish
Referred by: Travelled a long way
From: Sivarikeskus, Lapinjärvi, Finland
Time: Thursday, 16 July 1998 at 07:01:39
Comments: I love Giger's work, nothing more to say about that... What I do wish to
say is that if anyone knows where (in Finland) I could get some good-quality posters of
Giger's work, I'd appreciate very much if this person would bother to mail me about it.
(Also, if you know where else one could order such posters at a reasonable price, could
you give me a hint as well.)
Name: john carlson
Website: http://
Referred by: a link from an alien homepage
From: litchfield MN
Time: Thursday, 16 July 1998 at 02:38:38
Comments: neat site. enjoy giger. could he paint my basement... gratis?
Name: Joshua lord
Website: http://
Referred by: Searched for Giger
From: Georgia
Time: Wednesday, 15 July 1998 at 14:15:29
Comments: The art and furniture where Kick ass.. im a big fan of Giger.. thank you
for showing your work..exellent work
Name: zach throckmorton
Website: http://
From: michigan, U.S.A.
Time: Wednesday, 15 July 1998 at 12:43:20
Comments: herr giger's works of art are the most disturb- ingly beautiful images i
have ever seen. 'aliens' was the first R-rated movie i ever saw; 'alien 3' was the first
R-rated movie i ever saw in the theater, when i was thirteen. i consider myself to be
fairly articulate, but when asked to describe giger's works to friends, i am at a loss for
words. h.r. giger is a truly gifted man. his works served as a gateway to the world of art
for me. for that, and for his own works, i am eternally grateful. thank you, herr giger.
Name: Opiate
Referred by: flew
From: a warm place
Time: Wednesday, 15 July 1998 at 03:11:37
Comments: You have a beautiful mind - your images and ideas are comforting and
exciting. Thank you for inspiring me in my music and art, and for setting an example to
closed-minded hypocrites. Thanks for doing what you do.
Name: Helen Wolff
From: Melbourne Australia
Time: Tuesday, 14 July 1998 at 20:35:19
Comments: Great site! Just wanting to know if any one can help me out with a query.
Is it true that the rain making machine in Kate Bush's video clip for 'Cloudbusting' was
made by H.R. Giger??
Name: diego fernandez
Website: http://
Referred by: surfing
From: Monterrey , Mexico
Time: Tuesday, 14 July 1998 at 17:35:40
Website: http://
Referred by: typed it in
From: highlands texas
Time: Monday, 13 July 1998 at 10:18:45
Comments: your work is incredible, I admire it!
Name: Phyl
Referred by: Magazine
From: Austria
Time: Monday, 13 July 1998 at 00:31:00
Comments: Praise all forces, which are against the dirty dog of lies!
Name: Hippy
Website: Hippy's Space
Referred by: Took a trip
From: Rome City Indiana USA
Time: Sunday, 12 July 1998 at 15:31:33
Comments: great stuff here
Name: Christophe Remy
Website: Trudi's Home Page
Referred by: I visited the Giger Museum
From: Bulle, Switzerland
Time: Sunday, 12 July 1998 at 09:32:03
Comments: Come and visit the Giger Museum, it is really worth !!!
Name: Mattias
Website: Mattias Page
Referred by: Found the address on a Giger book...
From: Swedem
Time: Sunday, 12 July 1998 at 01:27:02
Comments: I love H.R Gigers wicked and dark art. I would buy some of it if i could
afford it. But until i have the money to do so, i will come back here and enjoy it on this
great site!
Name: Michael N. Cipriani
Website: http://
Referred by: a tat
From: Phila. Pa.
Time: Friday, 10 July 1998 at 17:49:00
Comments: I,m a 33 year old painter, Gigers work moves me in new directions with my
own work. I love what I call dark art, this consumes most of my painting. I spent a fair
amount on this site and I plan to return. .............
Name: SpandexOverlord
Website: http://
Time: Friday, 10 July 1998 at 13:10:09
Comments: If FOX wants to create another Alien movie (which I assume they do,
seeing as how the ending for Resurrection was a miserable tie-in to the next sequel) they
NEED to comission Giger again! The Newborn looked like a giant piece of processed cheese!
Please, oh great lord of biomechanical art, save my favorite series from death at the
hands of FOX!
Name: Jose Torres
Website: http://
Referred by: I purchased the www.HRGiger.com book
From: Rochester,New York
Time: Friday, 10 July 1998 at 08:35:19
Comments: This web page is a treat for the true Giger art fan, Thank You. caio
Website: http://
Referred by: search engin
Time: Friday, 10 July 1998 at 01:17:34
Comments: giger is most likely the most provocative visual artist of the late 20th
century and will lead us on to the 21st with style undreamed of
Name: Emperor H.B. P.J. Gein
Referred by: The crippled Avengers sent me
From: Dementiaca
Time: Thursday, 09 July 1998 at 22:30:07
Comments: I didnt know Giger was immaculate
Name: ryan
Website: http://
Referred by: Just surfed in
From: new mexico
Time: Wednesday, 08 July 1998 at 10:50:20
Comments: I Really like you art work it kicks ass.
Name: René Sägesser
Website: http://
Referred by: Because i'm interessded
From: Burgdorf
Time: Wednesday, 08 July 1998 at 04:23:54
Comments: It is great what you make !!!
Name: Carsten Bolte
Website: Carsten Bolte´s Homepage
Referred by: I´m a fan !
From: Kiel, Germany
Time: Tuesday, 07 July 1998 at 13:01:33
Comments: I really like H.R. Gigers drawings, paintings, etc. I think, he´s one of
the greatest artists!
Website: http://
Referred by: wanted to find a H. R. Giger page on the web
From: Originally from England, Living in South Florida
Time: Tuesday, 07 July 1998 at 11:17:13
Comments: This website, like the person it is based on, is excellent in all fields.
I have been an avid fan of Giger's work from when I first saw "Alien", the best
in the series, and one of my favorite films. I'll never get tired of watching it. Your
site has something for everybody- information on the master himself, books, movie fans,
art fans and lots more. I'm one of those few people who stay behind after a movie has
finished to see the credits, there's always an actor that I've seen before but I don't
know his name, or I want to know who sung the song. Not even having seen Alien 3(I know,
shame on me), I was not totally aware of the absence of Giger's name in the credits, but I
wanted to see if they would include his name in the fourth installment. To my horror, they
didn't! For Pete's sake, if Dark Horse Comics include his m=name in every
"Aliens" comic, can't a major film company do the same? It's ridiculous!! Aside
from Aliens, I also loved "Species". Unfortunately, the second, came in and went
out of the cinemas so fast, that I had no time to see it Sir, thank you for your (at the
same time)haunting and beautiful artwork, and for introducing us to one of science
fiction's most beautiful creatures. Even if the second and third sequels did screw up,
your "baby" lives on in the comic world. ALEX MACPHEE 7-7-98
Website: http://
Time: Tuesday, 07 July 1998 at 06:08:43
Comments: Are you sure that you are human?
Name: Jo
Website: http://
Referred by: In Passing
From: Burbank
Time: Monday, 06 July 1998 at 23:47:29
Comments: Hey I gotta totally agree with Doug... I worked on Alien Resurrection, I
was an artist on the film, and I to LOVE FRAZETTA!... See the Alien SHAPE was a GIGER
design, but all that was sculpted into the creature was not! The Newborn was NOT a Giger
design Nor was the Detail in the SIL Creature form Species one and 2!!!!! I loved Giger
but When I read Doug's Comments I tossed his books off my shelf and into the dark closet
under my box of old Comic Books. Sorry Giger, you used to be somebody!
Name: Doug
Website: http://
Referred by: stumbled
From: Hollywood
Time: Monday, 06 July 1998 at 23:42:55
Comments: I have the first entry in the June section.... This is my response to the
Lamester in charge..... My email is intact here...use it. as far as knowing art, I do not
think GIGER's whining and crying is art. Although I will admit some of his earlier works
were inspiring, they now merely bore me. I am much more IMPRESSED by Frank Frazetta's
portfolio, and yet we hear no whimpering from him do we? He is a GIANT in the ART WORLD. I
cannot truely compare Fraz to Giger or Vice Versa, but that is the wonderful thing about
having my own opinions. Many times DESIGNERS are not credited for their art in HOLLYWOOD!
It is the nature of the Machine. If GIGER wants to cry, let him drown in his tears, then
maybe this INSURRECTION will close. I have read enough about it in the magazines I buy.
Enough is enough. Giger can cry all the way to his grave, but will that make him a better
artist?? I think it is Giger's own damn fault for being an idiot! Why did he not have a
contract that stated that no matter how many ALIEN films are made, that he gets billed as
the designer? Hollywood has tossed Giger for more talented artists, and even those artist
who can emulate his style, without the tears and the hurt butts. If giger reads this I
would be amazed, not only that he can comprehend a bunch of letters placed into groups and
spaced randomly to create words which in turn create sentances, but that he can even
UNDERSTAND the INTERNET! GIGER is LAME. all he can do is rely on his ALIEN paintings to
make him famous! Well I used to be impressed until I read all this BUTTHURT he has been
going through. Oh poor baby Giger. HR Puff-N-Giger.
Name: brandon agner
Website: http://
Referred by: read address off of cover of book............
From: dimentia.........
Time: Monday, 06 July 1998 at 10:49:54
Comments: hr giger is one of my favorite horror/surrealistic artists of all
time........i wan to be in one of his paintings ............
Name: Andreas Aspén
Website: http://
Referred by: I bought the giger book.
From: Sweden.
Time: Monday, 06 July 1998 at 10:37:51
Comments: Can you really be "in love with art" ? I think so. I have
become more and more obsessed with the paintings made by "The great one". I can
not understand the imaginations that this person must have. I only wish that i too could
be as creative as he. But dreams never die, but the hope does. I only want to make this
final comment.. keep painting..if not for you..for us. Us who like your art and would wish
to see more of it.
Name: Ismael
Website: http://
Referred by: by world of mouth
From: Vitoria-Gasteiz (SPAIN)
Time: Monday, 06 July 1998 at 09:43:54
Comments: I'm a really crazy-fan of Giger...... but i can't buy anything of his
works ( in Spain, very expensive) Thanx for your designs !! There are uniques! You have
created an unique style!
Name: Adam Brent Bass
Website: http://
Referred by: traveled spirally throughout the darkest cycles of man's fear
From: the tip of your immortal soul
Time: Sunday, 05 July 1998 at 15:42:10
Comments: The producers of the Alien IV movie screwed you over and should burn in
the firery pits of hell or a realm of your imagination, but it was a good movie!
Name: Dal
Website: http://
Time: Sunday, 05 July 1998 at 09:32:47
Comments: There is a place somewhere between pleasant and horrific, and that place
is called mesmerizing. This art is simultaneously repulsive and compelling... I don't know
how else to describe it. Too bad my parents won't buy me some of the bio-mechanical,
semi-erotic furniture for my room... :)
Name: Werner Tuytens
Website: http://
Referred by: Alta vista: looking for Giger
From: Belgium: Antwerp
Time: Sunday, 05 July 1998 at 00:08:16
Comments: Awesome struck by the genius of the work, I seem to be the only one in my
environment. Everybody regards me as weird, because I use the term "Beautifull"
when describing Giger´s work. Well, I stand by my definition of ART, and that is what it
is. Nothing has ever moved or stricking me so as the work from Giger. I just hope to
experience there are others who think the same as i do.
Name: locreous andrew night
Website: under construction
Referred by: researched and found it
From: san jose
Time: Saturday, 04 July 1998 at 17:42:41
Comments: this is the best site I have seen ,to improve to this would surely enter
us a new time all togeather .
Website: http://
Time: Saturday, 04 July 1998 at 13:36:58
Comments: Ich bin fasziniert von Deiner Arbeit. Wäre mir eine Ehre Dich
persönlich kennenzulernen. Just go for it!
Name: Yves
Website: Yves's Homepage
Referred by: surft
From: Munich
Time: Friday, 03 July 1998 at 16:19:15
Comments: great art! ...
Website: http://
Referred by: seen address in retrospective book
From: douglasville, ga. U.S.A.
Time: Friday, 03 July 1998 at 15:50:47
Comments: design me a bad ass TATTOO.....please!!!!!!!!
Website: http://
Referred by: Surfin'
From: Holland
Time: Friday, 03 July 1998 at 04:23:44
Comments: I love your art man.
Name: Dani
Referred by: .....have a break....... have a.........
From: Switzerland (Basel)
Time: Friday, 03 July 1998 at 01:03:16
Comments: Ich wollte mich bei Ihnen schon lange einmal für das signieren meiner
Bücher und Bilder bedanken. Danke auch für das signierte Skizzenbuch welches sie mir
schenkten ! Bin am Wochenende im Bündnerland und werde der Gigerbar mal wieder einen
Besuch abstatten. Frage : Kann man irgendwo die Bodenplatten aus der Bar kaufen ? Wann
gibts mal wieder eine Ausstellung in Basel oder Zürich ? (Hilt / Baviera). Übrigends :
Grossartige Seite. Nur vermisse ich die bildschirmfüllenden Bilder Ihrer Werke !
Name: Josh Smelser
Website: none yet
Referred by: Unfurled of the band TOOL
From: Born in Holland where many great artists came from. Right now I live in
Time: Friday, 03 July 1998 at 00:14:13
Comments: Did you make art for the band TOOL. http://www.toolband.com check out
their site if you dident and see why I would think that. Actually, the artist in the band
Is Adam Jones. He has done all the music videos and what I thought, all of the art. His
art reminds me of yours. If you want to learn about them go to http://toolshed.down.net
For some reason when I look at your art it remindes me of the dark beautiful music which
rises from the four members of TOOL.
Name: Jhatari
Website: ...
Referred by: found it...
From: Oregon (US)
Time: Thursday, 02 July 1998 at 18:29:49
Comments: Scarey, but yet enchanting at the same time...
Name: Michael Watkins
Website: Digital Hype Homepage
Referred by: Friend reccommendation
From: Sydney, Australia
Time: Thursday, 02 July 1998 at 06:45:13
Comments: Can you email me the details of the Giger Bar translated in English
please. Also any closer sites similar would be good. You are god. Thank you.
Name: [Chem]
Website: Chemical's IRC Picture
Referred by: Via the Taschen book
From: Netherlands
Time: Thursday, 02 July 1998 at 04:06:50
Comments: Assome work, very well done. What kind of materials does HRG use?
Website: http://
From: nowhere
Time: Thursday, 02 July 1998 at 00:22:16
Comments: i felt you coming, now i know it's worthwhile beeing here! i'm waiting
for you!
Name: Scorpyion
Website: Scorpyion's Lair
Referred by: Search Engin
From: The Land Beyond the Netherworlds
Time: Wednesday, 01 July 1998 at 11:04:13
Comments: Very well set up page, nice work.
Name: Jerry M. Bakels
Website: http://
Referred by: Hmmm
From: Bradenton, FL USA
Time: Wednesday, 01 July 1998 at 07:26:04
Comments: Cool page. Is it possible to get samples of Gigers work?