H.R.Giger's Guestbook!

Here are the comments from December'96!

Name: Bernd Hegewisch
Website: http://
Referred by: The Movies
From: Germany
Time: Monday, 30 December 1996 at 17:20:43
Comments: Nun, an sich ist diese Seite ja gut gelungen, aber was mich persönlich etwas stört, ist, daß sie tielweise zu einem Verkaufskatalog wird. Es würde mich auch freuen, wenn eine Bildersammlung von ihnen in hoher Qualität auf diese Seite gestellt würde... (Auch wenn das zu lasten der Ladezeiten geht). Ich denke, ich bin nicht der einzige, den dies freuen würde. Zu guter Letzt noch: Herr Giger, ihr Werk ist bei weitem das genialste, was es momentan im Kunstbereich zu sehen gibt.

Name: Angelo Rafael Pereira Araujo
Website: http://
Referred by: lovers of the art
From: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
Time: Monday, 30 December 1996 at 06:18:55
Comments: It's my first time in this page.is very good!! Congratulations!!!!

Name: Jay Tankersley
Website: http://
Referred by: word of justin
From: seattle WA
Time: Monday, 30 December 1996 at 06:04:12
Comments: I luv ur work its so awsome

Name: Felix Daniel Schindele
Website: Zhamara's Homepage
Referred by: Your URL is written on a book ;)
From: Konstanz, Germany
Time: Monday, 30 December 1996 at 01:49:50
Comments: Mein groesster Wunsch waere es, in einer Krypta designed by HR Giger beerdigt zu werden >:)

Name: radloff,olaf
Website: http://
From: germany
Time: Sunday, 29 December 1996 at 21:11:30
Comments: nach tagen wieder mal eine sehr gute adresse ! ich bin begeistert :-) hier stimmt einfach alles ! so macht internet spass ! gruss olli

Name: Jessi Heverin
Website: Leper society
Referred by: I walked
From: NY
Time: Sunday, 29 December 1996 at 10:31:55
Comments: Giger is my god of art. I worship you.

Name: Andrew Hurt
Website: http://
Referred by: netscape's netsearch
From: California USA
Time: Sunday, 29 December 1996 at 07:58:59
Comments: H.R. Giger I would like to start off by saying that you have great works of art. Your work is very original and I have never in my life seen anything quite like it. I first saw your art in the movie Alien. After seeing that I just had to see Aliens, Alien3, and Species and can't wait to see Alien:Resurrection. I am hoping to collect many pieces of your art including the furniture. How would I be able to get my hands on one of the Alien suits that you designed? I understand that if they were for sale they would also be very pricey as well as hard to get since you have many fans wordwide. I also was wondering how you get your inspiration for the way that you draw? What I mean by that is what motivated you to draw macabre art? Well I don't want to take up too much of your time, and if you have time I would greatly appreciate a response from you. A diehard fan Andrew

Name: Dale Thompson
Website: http://
Referred by: Satan is my pilot
From: Phoenix, Arizona. USA
Time: Sunday, 29 December 1996 at 05:34:26
Comments: You'r work is truly wonderful, and always moves me.

Name: Christian Lanner
Website: LANNER - Kreative Kommunikation
Referred by: Buch "www hrgiger com"...
From: Innsbruck, Austria
Time: Saturday, 28 December 1996 at 16:28:42
Comments: Hallo HR! Ich bin Inhaber eines Unternehmens aus dem Bereich der Computeranimation (wie bei "Species"). Nachdem ich ein glühender Bewunderer Deiner Arbeit bin und wir unser neues Demovideo sehr mysthisch und ästhetisch gehalten haben, haben wir uns gedacht, unseren Konferenzraum mit 4 Harkonnen- und 2 Harkonnen-Capo-Chairs sowie dem dazugehoerigen Tisch einzurichten. Da wir ein junges Unternehmen sind, koennen wir uns dies aber nicht zum offiziellen Preis leisten. Daher wuerden wir um ein persönliches Telefonat bitten, um weitere Einzelheiten abklaeren zu koennen. Unsere Telefonnummer: +43 512 587060. Besten Dank im voraus Christian Lanner

Name: Ernest M. Crvich
Referred by: Relapse Records links page
From: Durham, NC, USA
Time: Saturday, 28 December 1996 at 16:27:22
Comments: Precious few things in life approach my conceptions of "ideal", in music, art, film, etc. Giger, however, often manages to capture that elusive blend of shapes, colors, textures, and themes that yields perfection. He has my respect, awe, and admiration. It is fitting that such talent should have an excellent web site to display his creations. Well done!

Name: coma1
Website: http://
Referred by: easy
From: sweden
Time: Saturday, 28 December 1996 at 01:01:10
Comments: splendid work there oh great master

Name: Chem
Website: http://
Referred by: search for Giger on Yahoo
From: Canada
Time: Saturday, 28 December 1996 at 00:43:57
Comments: I love your stuff! You Rock!! Keep Doin' what you do!!!!

Website: http://
Referred by: by pressing the Guestbook-Button
From: Germany
Time: Saturday, 28 December 1996 at 00:39:38
Comments: Hallo Auge des Grauens, Die Homepage ist dufte, dein Untertane und Oli freuen sich über die Informationsvielfalt, vorallem die Bilderchen sind spitze. Was macht eigentlich Sil, ist sie noch solo? Ich (Dirk) würde sie gerne mal etwas näher kennenlernen ... Mir (Oli) reichen auch ein paar einsehnliche Fotos von ihr. Wir würden uns beide über ein Aufschlußreiches und offenes Interview mit ihr und dir freuen. Tschüß bis bald, dein Fanclub Groß-Gesienheim (65366). Möge die Dunkelheit immer mit uns sein ...

Name: Claudio Logori
Website: http://
Referred by: From Emerson, Lake & Palmer Home Page
From: Caslano - Switzerland
Time: Friday, 27 December 1996 at 20:25:12
Comments: Hello Herr Giger , viele grüsse aus Tessin.

Name: angelo lupi
Website: http://
Referred by: looking for something about Giger
From: Italy
Time: Friday, 27 December 1996 at 15:32:34
Comments: e' semplicemente stupendo!!!

Name: David Adamsbaum
Website: http://
Referred by: from bonglin.com
From: another planet called New Jersey
Time: Thursday, 26 December 1996 at 07:31:28
Comments: Have been a fan of Giger's for quite some time. Also enjoy artwork in Omni magazine.

Name: Ingo Oppermann
Website: -
Referred by: Altavista
From: Switzerland
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 22:58:19
Comments: I like your creations!

Website: http://
Referred by: By accident
From: Antwerp,BELGIUM
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 21:36:57
Comments: A few years ago I only liked Da Vinci, Rubens, Michelangelo and all those guys, but then, I suddenly discovered Magritte, Escher and... GIGER. Of all the modern artists I've discovered during the last year (B. Pennington, P. Woodroffe, etc.), Giger is and will always be the best. The walls of my room are covered with posters with Giger's art and I wish that someday I will be able to have a real painting!!! (which will probably never happen) If Giger himself is as intruiging, mysterious and dark as his paintings are I would sure like to meet him (and that will certainly never happen).

Name: enric planas borrell
Website: You are just a genius!!!
From: Catalunya
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 20:53:14
Comments: Go for it,man! Your drawings are just unbelivable!! They make my fucking heart jump a beat!!!

Name: enric planas borrell
Website: http://
From: spain
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 20:49:22
Comments: just genial

Name: Nik Chevalier
Website: Naphobia Web Cage
Referred by: On Santa's Sleigh....
From: The Magic Kingdom
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 08:04:27
Comments: Giger RULES... Join the Naphobian Borg....Resistence is Futile!!! Stay Twisted Lord of the Borg.... Hey Thomas, Are we still getting included on the Fan Page? NAPHOBIA=Brutalic CyberGrind for the 21st Century.. The Best & most Gigerized logo ever created by human!!! - Noise Level Critical zine

Name: kelly raine
Website: http://
Referred by: quantum/yahoo
From: palmdale ca
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 06:28:58
Comments: mr. Giger is one of the most signifigant influences on my art, both visual and musical, and i hope one day to have him acknowledge my work. i love this man.

Name: alvaro villagra torres
Website: http://
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 04:03:24

Name: Matt Ringling
Website: http://
Referred by: I decided to look at some of his great art, so I used a search engine.
From: Nova Scotia, Canada
Time: Wednesday, 25 December 1996 at 02:39:06
Comments: I think Giger is one of the most facinating artists that I have ever experienced.His art is darkly expressive and infinitely deep, and I find it very intruiging...I hope to oneday own some Giger art.

Website: http://
From: Phoenix
Time: Tuesday, 24 December 1996 at 13:46:37
Comments: No one can ever compare to Giger . . .the man is pure genius. His work is brilliant . . .dark and disturbing. Definitely the greatest surrealist alive. I am in constant awe of Gigers work, it never ceases to amaze me.

Name: not important
Website: http://
Referred by: from excite
From: earth
Time: Tuesday, 24 December 1996 at 08:24:10
Comments: Dear Mr. Giger I greatly enjoy your work and hope you could E-mail me some images of your work sincirly, Lastpinion@aol.com

Name: Jeff Carney
Website: http://www.fangz.com/~cochese
From: Rochester, NY - USA
Time: Tuesday, 24 December 1996 at 07:15:37
Comments: Excellent art..

Name: jared knight
Website: http://
Referred by: I love H.R 's work
From: the unpopular hick invested utah
Time: Tuesday, 24 December 1996 at 03:28:14
Comments: dear whomever I like you're self am an artest ''watercolor I have falloed you're work and tryed to studie you're work and try to get a simaler effect I love darkseed I exspecily love spises sorry well not to much to say except I'm you're bigest fan and I LOVE YOU

Name: O.Gubbels
Website: http://
Referred by: Spezielle Suche
From: Germany
Time: Tuesday, 24 December 1996 at 00:24:42
Comments: Giger ist ein Engel in schwarzem Gewand , der jedem durch seine Kunst bewußt macht , daß man diese phantastischen Welten in seiner Seele trägt .Wer damit umzugehen weiß , kann viel positives hierraus ziehen . Thank you H.R.GIGER

Name: Rob Havelt
Website: Visions Lair
Referred by: Link off my homepage
From: MI
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 21:15:04
Comments: There are no words..............

Website: NONE.. YET
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 19:13:22

Name: Jupiterian Vibe
Website: München Independent News
Referred by: yahoo
From: Munich, Germany
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 16:19:27
Comments: I`m a great fan of the best artist of the 21th century. I have a large tattoo if an giger art on my arm.

Name: MacGill Monteleone
Website: http://
Referred by: Trough webcrawler
From: Sudbury.ont Canada 584 Telstar.ave
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 07:17:50
Comments: H.R.Giger's artwork is some of the most disturbing,horrifying,images a mind could ever think up .I Love It!

Name: Steven Defoe
Website: http://
Referred by: goldmine article
From: Connecticut USA
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 01:40:09
Comments: I never realized Giger did the cover art on the Magma LP 'Attahk' until I saw it on the web site. It was always a favorite of mine, uncredited though it was (I think). Cool site. SD

Website: http://
Referred by: Looked for the man!
From: Redwood Meadows,AB,Canada
Time: Monday, 23 December 1996 at 01:04:11
Comments: The only pictures I own are from H.R.Giger and he is the best artist alive

Name: Thomas Andersson
Website: Åhlens City
Referred by: Using "Yahoo"
From: Stockholm, Sweden
Time: Sunday, 22 December 1996 at 17:20:33
Comments: We use your pictures as backgrounds on our computer screens in the multimedia section at Åhlens City department store in central Stockholm.The pics are fabulous!

Name: Manela Prat
Website: totweb
Referred by: looking for "Seurat" (at Yahoo)
From: Barcelona (Catalonia) "ruled" by Spain
Time: Sunday, 22 December 1996 at 12:37:46
Comments: I don't need to say your web is wonderfull !!!!! All the awards you have are not enough for such a fantastic work. I'll recommend your web through my page!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Chris Van Brunt
Website: http://
Referred by: Underworld in Cybertown
From: NY,USA
Time: Sunday, 22 December 1996 at 03:39:50
Comments: fan for years. keep it up

Name: Matthew The Impaler
Website: http://
Referred by: magellan
From: 8th level of hell
Time: Saturday, 21 December 1996 at 22:36:19
Comments: Wicked!

Name: Alon Levy
Referred by: Excite
From: Israel
Time: Saturday, 21 December 1996 at 22:26:25
Comments: Your talent is truly overwhelming. Your fans in Israel admire you.

Name: loodts
Website: rhâa-bis
From: namur,belgique
Time: Saturday, 21 December 1996 at 17:00:11

Name: loodts
Website: rhâââ...
Time: Saturday, 21 December 1996 at 16:43:40
Comments: fans de giger,CORRESPONDONS!

Name: Michael Ley
Website: http://
Referred by: Planet, Ausgabe 11
From: Germany
Time: Saturday, 21 December 1996 at 16:41:41
Comments: excellent pages!!!

Name: Stas Antideus
Website: http://
Referred by: searching for "H.R.Giger"
From: Estonia
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 18:56:11
Comments: Nice website!Your art was was a detonator for a hidden bomb of my own. The Dark Energy,directed on a creativity - what else it could creare, if not the truly immortal images.I wasn't too much into arts before seeing your work.Now I develop my style as a logic continuing of yours - I called it "necromechanic".We praise our Great Inspirer for Our glory,and Our Glory Is HIS!

Website: Insane Assylum Pictures
Referred by: New of the link
From: USA
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 18:24:45
Comments: Love the alien. Greatest nightmare ever created! You are God!

Name: Angel
Referred by: a link from another page
From: Woodinville, WA, USA
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 17:43:13
Comments: I admire the otherworldness of giger's work. The beings in it still hold their semi-human likeness and twist it as well. It takes a truly intelligent mind to create what many people cannot even dream of.

Name: Georg Sohn
Website: Georg Sohn
Referred by: using search engines
From: Germany/Stuttgart
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 15:37:58
Comments: Ich finde Gigers Arbeiten einfach "geil". Die machen mich geradezu an. Ich könnte seine Bilder Stundenlang ansehen. Ich empfehle euch "STAR TREK VII - The First Contact", der hat einen gewissen düsteren Flair der ein kleines bisschen Alien-angehaucht ist.

Name: Guy van der Walt
Website: http://
From: From Cape Town, South Africa
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 10:27:50
Comments: Fucken A!!! I love Giger's work, I think he is the superior being of artists!

Name: R. Steven Johnson
Website: http://
Referred by: Netscape Search
From: Powell, TN, USA
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 06:30:18
Comments: I love your work (I'm sure that that is typical). You (H.R.GIGER) have managed to reach a level of emotion? instinct? that 99.9% of humanity is afraid to recognize in themselves, yet it is present (I believe) in all of us. That is the mark of a Master artist, to reach into the basic emotional structure of his/her audience and provoke a response. This you most certainly have accomplished.

I cannot adequately verbalize the impact that Giger's work has on me. It reaches into depths of my psyche where words are simply inadequate for the task of defining the response invoked. Sometimes, this is not always good (at least in the accepted sense of the word), but it is certainly undeniable.

Good (or Evil) work!

Steven Johnson

Name: Wizard
Website: http://
Referred by: Yahoo
From: Central California, USA
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 06:01:14
Comments: Long time admire of Giger's work, and very very nice job for this site. My hat's off to you!

Name: Deweed
Website: http://
Referred by: surf and you'll find
From: Sweden
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 05:04:07
Comments: I love art of all kind and especially Giger picture. This is really something! Deweed

Website: http://
From: Korea(south)
Time: Friday, 20 December 1996 at 03:30:34
Comments: H.R giger is my favorite artist!

Name: Russell Merritt
Website: http://
From: Seattle, WA
Time: Thursday, 19 December 1996 at 20:51:49
Comments: Truly your work is nothing less than inspiring. I applaud your enthusiasm and fantastic results. Thank you.

Website: http://
Referred by: How eles
From: around
Time: Thursday, 19 December 1996 at 15:46:20
Comments: Giger's work is the bomb. It shows the dark provocative side of human nature. The side that we all hide deep inside oursevels and only think about when we're alone in bed . Kodos for you Giger you've made my x-mass list.

Name: Michael J. Madrid
Website: http://
Referred by: Read about the site in Websight magazine
From: Las Cruces, New Mexico
Time: Thursday, 19 December 1996 at 07:06:26
Comments: I've followed Mr. Giger's work since around 1978. He is THE foremost artist of the macabre today and his influence is extremely prodigious! Mr. Giger's work stirs the most disturbing emotions in my inner psyche. This is THE most beautiful website (or websight) I've ever had the pleasure of hitting. Thank you.Michael J. Madrid

Name: bonehead
Website: N/A
Referred by: i have no idea
From: prince george bc canada
Time: Thursday, 19 December 1996 at 04:31:48
Comments: i like all of h.r.gigers artwork

Website: http://
From: vancouver,b.c.
Time: Wednesday, 18 December 1996 at 22:37:14
Comments: you are a dark horse. forgiven. see you five from eleven. ccc hh hh oooo oooo sss eeeec hh hh oo oo oo oo s ec hhhhhhh oo oo oo oo sss eeec hh hh oo oo oo oo s e ccc hh hh oooo oooo sss eeee o for everyone else..... DRA AT HELVETE!

Website: sedalia School district 200's home page
Referred by: ?????
From: Berlin, Germany
Time: Wednesday, 18 December 1996 at 21:21:25
Comments: I am influenced every time I see a peice of Giger's work andSome day my work will hang right next to his.

Name: i s a a c
Website: http://
Referred by: searched for giger's work
From: New York City
Time: Wednesday, 18 December 1996 at 03:18:24
Comments: Ahh, my computer's slow... i love h.r. giger... his work really speaks for the quality of the page, doesn't it? however, bitmaps can never do the airbrush justice. keep up the good work, isaac

Website: http://
Referred by: alta vista
From: sechelt, B.C. / santa babara CA
Time: Wednesday, 18 December 1996 at 01:48:18
Comments: Excellent page, one of the best I've seen in a while. It's huge, yet simple enough to load fast (for a gallery page) only problem is that this text area is screwed up so I can't see what I'm typing.

Name: Jason Mclarty
Website: http://
Referred by: searched for Giger's art in yahoo
From: viginia usa unfortunatly
Time: Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 22:14:41
Comments: giger is the most amazing artist that ever lived and the absolute best surrealist ever to set foot on this earthhe is the greatest person i've ever heard of. his ideas are imaculatand the pure mobididy of them are extremley inluencial

Name: Tom Heinks
Referred by: Altavista
From: Germany
Time: Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 18:16:56
Comments: These pages are really brilliant! Keep up the good work.

The art of Giger is the art of the dreams, and the dreams are the future of the world... LONG LIFE TO GIGER'S ART!!
Guillermo Tato Reig <mrm00001@teleline.es>
Campello, España - Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 15:21:27

uh huh huh huh
Cliff <uenvycliff@hotmail.com>
jackson, US - Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 07:12:15

I have always admired your work. You are an inspiration for many. It is also great to see your presence on the Web. I wish you and all the people you work with good luck, and may the ink of your creativity never dry up. Hans
Hans Hugli <hansh@oz.bet>
Seattle, USA - Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 06:56:53

The beauty and complexity of Mr Giger's work amazes and overwhelms me constantly. He is truely a legend in his own time and beyond.
Sable <slddb@cc.usu.edu>
Logan, US - Tuesday, 17 December 1996 at 03:33:51

Interesting web sight!!! Who is Giger??
Mike Kaluski <kaluski@juno.com>
San Jose, Ca, USA - Monday, 16 December 1996 at 18:50:16

Great stuff what you have includet in your pages.
Alexander Sochovsky <asoch@mlink.co.at>
Vienna, Austria - Monday, 16 December 1996 at 17:22:13

Lina Soderstrom <busmusen@hotmail.com>
Umea, Sweden - Monday, 16 December 1996 at 17:00:18

well, i think its the best page about h.r.giger. thanx, all of you best whishes from siga, lietuva
siga mikoliunaite <menulis@pub.osf.lt>
vilnius, lithuania - Monday, 16 December 1996 at 03:15:08

If I had Half of giger's talent I would be eternally greatful His great insight, imagination, and passion in his work has set in my heart I am forever greatful
Paul Dugdale
London, England - Monday, 16 December 1996 at 00:02:27

Hey, this is a really great sight. I have always been amazed by H.R. Gigers work since I was about 7 years old. I used to stare at my uncles copy of Emmerson Lake and Palmer's "Brain Salad Surgery" for hours. I still maintain that was the best album cover that's been done to date. Also, when I was too young I stayed up until 3:00 and watched Alien, needless to say, it terrorfied me. His imagry is unnerving and compelling: E.T. it aint. I don't think there's really been another movie, where the villan has been so powerful, so unstopable, so "alien". Back in the day one of my biggest unrealized dreams was to buy one of the "Face Huggers" that they sold in Starlog. And in continuing that tradition, some 20 years later, one of my biggest unrealized dreams is to obtain some of his amazing furniture. Oh well, mabey one day...
pedro <pedrocom@traveller.com>
USA - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 20:21:26

Wes T Brummett <stdwtb11@shsu.edu>
Huntsville, TX, USA - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 20:07:05

Very tasteful representation of the Mr Giger's work. A website I will visit whenever the pressures of the external world begin to overwhelm my ability to cope.
Charles Green <Cgreen@ionet.net>
Tulsa Ok, USA - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 17:50:42

Hoi Künstler König der Alpen,sei herzlich gegrüsst von deinem alten Kneipier.Wir haben eben gesurft und Dich angetroffen.
Urs Tremp & Armando & Guido <http://www.hrgiger.com/frame.htm>
St.Güllen, Kuhschweiz - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 13:39:10

To Mr. Giger, You shouldn't sell your work! I know this comment is unrealistic. No one in this world deserves your work or mine.
K.C. Tang <tang@mail.utexas.edu>
Austin, Tx, U.S - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 11:32:51

Well done!
Stephen Brooks <sdb51@msn.com>
Los Angeles, USA - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 04:24:46

As an amateur artist, I'm fidgeting in restlessness. I mean, what detail, patience and genius madness and oooooohhhhhh so much passion. I've been a fan since I seen the artwork in Twilight Zone magazine in 1986 and always will be.
A. Jayne Dunn <adunn@ohio.net>
Vallety City, U.S. - Sunday, 15 December 1996 at 02:58:45

It´s a cool page for surfing in a new dimension.
Robert Simonovic <Bilbo@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de>
Stuttgart, Germany - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 23:38:03

H.R.G.; such a trapping of fools you've accumulated here--I thought that even you had been above it with your once-spoken tendencies against the merchandising of erstwhile art. A shame that perhaps time and age can firmly dilute and despoil the inner core of a master...but for the masses? We are coming; you and Parkes and the others have set a stage. Thank you, but open your eyes, and find the lost truth within.
// (Peixbag and Gintz Reign)
- Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 21:21:34

I am deeply moved by the power evoked by your images. I would like to contact you about potentially licenseing some of your pieces. With deepest regards, Terry R. Barker
Terry R. Barker <terryb@rocketcola.com>
Springfield, MA, USA - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 19:53:28

I have a close relative who is an illustrator, and does quite well at it. Last time I was at home in the USA visiting I noticed he had a copy of one of your books on his shelf. I have been a fan of yours since I saw ELP's cover for BSS, so I asked my relative what he thought of you. He said you are excellent in the anatomy, but he thinks you have a "birth fetish", whatever that is. I personally think you are the best. Period. Someone once said "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" ("First Contact" notwithstanding). Anyway, Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year. Nathan E. Johnson
Nathan Johnson <NathanE..Johnson@ping.be>
Mons, Belgium - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 17:30:53

Can't help my brain...YOU ARE AMAZING !!
Koen van Gestel <s344533@stud.tue.nl>
Eindhoven, Holland - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 17:20:37

Good i love this page :)
Stian Skoglund <sskoglu@online.no>
Gjoevik, Norway - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 15:26:10

Heads off to the master - HR Giger Visit the Death Metal Music Association GORTICIAN IS COMING!!!
Thanatos - GORTICIAN <illgatez@aol.com>
Baton Rouge, USA - Saturday, 14 December 1996 at 06:35:31

- Friday, 13 December 1996 at 21:14:32

UR, SUMER - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 20:07:08

The page keeps getting better & better ! http://www.euronet.nl/users/owi/wwp/weirdo.htm
Olaf Wierda <owierda@arisco.nl>
Utrecht, Holland - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 19:02:44

You kick ass! Keep up the good work!
Jamie Watson <jwatson@qemail.qep.haltonbe.on.ca>
Oakville, Ont., Canada - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 18:21:02

Ich liebe Gigers Arbeiten .Sammle alles was ich bekommen kann.Interviews-Bücher-Filme... Ich studiere Architektur und stelle mir gern vor wie ein ganzes Bauwerk von Giger entworfen aussehen wuerde.Vielleicht ein Wettbewerb fuer einen Flughafen oder etwas was aus der Erde waechst. bis dann Alexander Jung
alexander jung <alexander.jung @archit.uni-weimar.de>
weimar, germany - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 14:52:06

Mr. Giger. Thanx 4 your "lovely" pictures and sculptures. This world will never see a monster so frightning and awesome as the Alien-monster. "Species" really sucks, but you are not to blame. Your nightmare pictures are true art. Keep up the good work. Also thanx to yhe maker of this web sites.
Martin Finderup Andersen
Brejning, Denmark - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 14:45:42

er, er - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 14:39:06

Grüezi! Bin rein zufällig aud die Internet-Adresse gekommen. Stand in der Zeitschrift Max / Oktoberausgabe 1996. Finde ich klasse, dass Interview, welches er gegeben hat. Ich selbst zeichen aus recht düstere Bilder. (Natürlich lange nicht so professionell und außerdem nur privat für mich.) Tja, das war`s auch schon. Macht weiter so. Euer Christian. PS.:Wie wäre es denn, wenn ihr ein paar Animationen in euer Angebot aufnehmen würdet. Waäre echt spitze. Oder Interviews mit H.R. Giger. So long, Christian
Christian <soz96cma@studserv>
leipzig, germany - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 14:05:51

These images are maybe the greatest images in the whole World. Keep up the good work, Giger!
Ola Nihlén <4spdolni@berga.eslov.se>
Eslöv, sweden - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 12:41:10

Thank you very much for your web page. I have been a fan of yours for many years. Many being 8 years since I am only 22. Here in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada it's difficult to find your art, but I do try as much as possible. Again, thanks for everything
Greg Fardoe <Gfardoe@callisto.uwinnipeg.ca>
Winnipeg, Canada - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 07:14:39

His works seeth with non-duality
Dan Sapoznick <dos3@axe.humboldt.edu>
Arcata, USA - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 04:23:26

Well, what can I say abaut this...
Emilio Alvarado <magoo@feedback.com.ar>
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Friday, 13 December 1996 at 03:46:19

This is a GREAT site.
Eric A. King <eking@its.kccd.cc.ca.us>
bakersfield, u.s.a. - Thursday, 12 December 1996 at 22:43:51

NEW YORK, UNITED STATES - Thursday, 12 December 1996 at 22:39:32

Good looking website with lots of info:keep up the good work.
Colin Anderson <colinanderson@cableinet.co.uk>
Dundee, Scotland - Thursday, 12 December 1996 at 21:23:37

da hrgigerfan <sodra@angby.se>
sthlm, swden - Thursday, 12 December 1996 at 12:29:06

please send me any info on new Giger projects.
Marshall Gipson <samplerx@datasync.com>
Bay Minette, U.S.A. - Thursday, 12 December 1996 at 00:28:22

Giger rules man his work is just so cool I just wish I could draw like him some day.
Venice <boy-boy@hotmail.com>
San Antonio, U.S.A. - Wednesday, 11 December 1996 at 22:46:47

great work this site is very good
joe haney <nexus1@ix.netcom.com>
wilmington, u.s.a - Wednesday, 11 December 1996 at 15:43:52

The best site today.
Bo Jensen <N/A.>
Malmö, Scania, Sweden - Wednesday, 11 December 1996 at 01:42:39

I want Giger furniture sooo much, but it costs a fortune.Oh well.
Paul Rice <N/A>
Seattle, USA - Tuesday, 10 December 1996 at 23:13:25

Great exhibition in Milan!!!!!!!!!
Perry <perraton@ntb.it>
Biella, Italy - Tuesday, 10 December 1996 at 20:37:10

I like this page very much and I'm a big fan of GigerMay be some one like to send me a mail.P.S. I'm just 16 years old
SCHNEIDER ANDREA <Andrea.Schneider@sbg.ac.at>
5302 Henndof, AUSTRIA - Tuesday, 10 December 1996 at 11:55:01

Just wondering:I have been hearing rumors that Mr. Giger is now working to some extent with tatoos. I would bevery grateful if you could either dispel or verifythis rumor. Mike Graves merlin@swweb.net
Mike Graves <merlin@swweb.net>
Houston, U.S. - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 21:51:15

Magnficent works!
Ivan Angulo <none>
Eagle Pass, U.S. - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 19:03:39

Mr. Giger: I would just like to express my deepest respect and admiration for your work. Various reproductions of your works cover the walls of my dorm room and create the feeling as if I were within one of your creations. I applaud your work. Thank you.Jason HerbertStudent at Syracuse University, USATheatre Design Major
Jason Herbert <jdherber@mailbox.syr.edu>
Syracuse, NY, United States - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 07:56:15

Giger,Your fantastic creations have inspired, amazed, entertained, awed, and frightened the hell out of an entire generation, and hopefully will the next. I picked up the airbrush long before I realized it was your tool, and your art has challenged and set new standards for me. I would also like to congratulate you and the creators of this site on a beautiful page. It would appear that your art inspired to the creation of this medium we call the World Wide Web. Here's to your health and long life. Respectfully, BPL
Brian Lashbrook <occbpl@pop.uky.edu>
Owensboro, KY, USA - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 07:50:10

The page is extremely innovative, have you thought about using real audio to add some backdrop music.
Scott A. Schmeling <Glassdream@aol.com>
Orlando,Fl, USA - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 07:33:00

Death to the Unbeleavers.!. I love your Work it inspires me very much so.I am just a lowly Cat Shaman/Mage Witch belong to the Black Widow Clan.One day I will meet you, All my fellow peoples praise you as a god. I Just Praise you as a fellow Artist and an Exelent one at that. You did a remake of one of my fellows Clan Symbol, it is very well done keep up the good work. You are a God when it comes to Art.!. Take care of your Clan.
Calgary, - Monday, 09 December 1996 at 05:50:12

I my self is an artist and I am really inspired by the work of h.r giger.The web site is extemely coool.I hope to visit this site soon...
asif riaz <asif@babbage.brain.com.pk>
lahore, pakistan - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 21:24:31

I am highly impressed with all of your work. Icannot find another who can create such brilliantdepth and detail as you do.
Craig Sarti <csarti@ctnet.net>
- Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 20:37:59

You are just great !!!!!!!go on
Savvas Lergos <gsa04@knossos.cs.teiher.gr>
Rhodes, Greece - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 13:25:08

ufuk aydin <nsa@doruk.net.tr>
istanbul, turkey - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 12:07:58

i am 21,kursad karatas,graphic artist from Turkey.when i was sixteen , i saw a giger drawing and i talked to me 'god made the second mistake'.the first guy has kaotic pchological experiments in his childhood dreams.Like having sex with the god. This was very good taste for a child.i wanted to be god to create different images.but this was impossible because of nature of being alive.Braveness of a child can be very unusual poetic dramalike explosions in giger's sketches and dreams.But this is the important point at being a geniuslike Keats or Holderlin.early drawings of giger;he couldn't breath, he couldn't find some air tolive in their earths,humans earth.so he created his own poetic world.this was the rigth thingabout creation of art,imagination,imagenation... nothing must be accepted,must love, everything in this world is too boring for me;images,dreams,humans,beauty,objects,colors and I see complex plesures (to me,good plesures) for a human in giger's eye so he draw rigth thing. you must draw a lot to understand to be god. don't forget 'everytime there is an unexpected,unimaginable image'
kursad <kkaratas@doruk.com.tr>
istanbul, TURKIYE - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 05:13:20

What I'd really like to see (or maybe even create:) is a Quake levelwith Giger-aliens roaming around in it. I guess mr. Giger would alsobe masterful at creating terrifying textures to create the perfectalien atmosphere for such a game.
Dim <dim@worldaccess.nl>
The Netherlands - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 04:39:43

adam lynn <adam.c.lynn-1@ou.edu>
norman, ok, usa - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 03:22:10

Love the art! Love the furniture! Love the bar!Love the books! Man, I love all your concepts ofart! Idea: Worldwide chain of your wicked bar. Idea: Bring back the old stuff. Idea: More feature films.I'd offer good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it!Keep up, stay out there; the imagination is a whole other universe!
Terry Russell Sirup <sticky@seaside.net>
Lake Cowichan, B.C., Canada - Sunday, 08 December 1996 at 01:22:12

H.R., i`m not really a big fan of you but of the stuff you`ve created, like the alien design, well that was just god damn work of art! I worship the alien design it is the coolest creature to ever be invented! I collect the books, comics, toys, posters, movies, and everything about aliens that has ever been invented! -Tyler Moore
Tyler Moore <drmoore@sk.sympatico.ca>
Air Ronge, Canada - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 22:19:38

Question, actually- I was wondering if you or Mr. Giger knew of any tatoo artists in the US currently recreating Mr. Giger's work? I will begetting a back piece done in the near future, andam interested in a Giger piece... "Merlin" Graves
Michael D. Graves <merlin@swweb.net>
Houston, Tx, Unites States - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 21:20:30

One more thing, I was wondering if you had any ideas for a movie of your own? Something you created and designed both.
Brent Breimeir <falsegod@ionet.net>
oklahoma city, usa - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 19:19:01

I love H.R. Giger, and his work. After browsing through the pricelists however, I see I will need to save my money if I ever want my own copy of his work. I buy what I can afford and want to let you know we are lucky to have such a talented person on this sphere we inhabit.
Brent Breimeir <falsegod@ionet.net>
Oklahoma City, United States - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 19:13:53

Youre the BEST!!!
Johan Robertsson <lkrel@kagg.gy-edu.kalmar.se>
Kalmar, Sweden - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 13:56:31

YOU ARE the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLAS - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 13:10:32

Mr. Giger - Your artwork is great!! I recently went to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and was dissapointed not to find any of your work there... They just don't know what they're missing! Great work - Keep it up!-Mike
Mike Newton <jnewton@capecod.net>
Chatham, MA, USA - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 05:01:52

This website does HR Giger's work complete justice.It is comprehensive and could show someone who isn't familiar with his work some insight into Giger's genius.It is too bad that so many people would talk such nonsense in the Giger chat room though.
alexander Tarampi <atarampi@pratt.edu>
brooklyn, USA - Saturday, 07 December 1996 at 01:56:28

Though I question wether you'll read this, I ama long time fan of your art and work in films.I would love to get an interview with you for myradio show if you're ever up to it.paxDeftly-D
Deftly-D (a.k.a. David Dodson) <deftlyd@tiac.net>
Lowell, MA, United States - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 22:12:36

Hmmm! Like it! I wanna rip it!but... a little bit slow
Vic <vic@hybrids.ac.opns.be>
Brussels, Belgium - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 20:30:04

It's surprising how popular the biomechanical style is among tattoos nowadays.
Andy Baker <antilight@hotmail.com>
Henry, USA - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 20:09:04

Maurício da Silva Barrios <stardust@vortex.ufrgs.br>
Porto Alegre, Brazil - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 19:47:28

Very good imaging! But hey, is this site a warehouse or a souvenir shop!
Anatol <Interact@internet.de>
Frankfurt, Germany - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 16:02:36

Nikolaos <input@classic.diavlos.gr>
Thessaloniki, Hellinic - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 13:13:21

- Friday, 06 December 1996 at 12:30:59

These amazing organic forms are perfectly sinful. Thank You!
Brandon Stewart <bls4444@aol.com>
Dallas, Tx, USA - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 04:34:13

I feel really lucky to have found this site.I've been a fan of your work since 'aliens'. The giftarea is great since I have a hard time findingbooks,calendars,etc. of your work.
Von Myers <myers9@webtv.net>
Chicago, US - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 02:33:57

This is a great web page, enjoyed it emensly!
Chris Blakley <tomc@whidbey.net>
Oak Harbor WA, USA - Friday, 06 December 1996 at 02:08:38

Please email me prices for all available Giger worksplease use sintilation@loop.com address I currently own a few signed posters and would like to add some higher quality prints to my collection. Is the Milan show going to tour?Are there other locations with original works on display? I visited Chur to see the originals there, I've been to both bars in Tokyo and Chur, but I would like to see more. Someone told me about a Giger museum in north Florida. Do you know the address? I am a special effects artist (Alien Encounter at Walt Disney World) and robotics tech (Star Wars, R2-D2 etc.) and have been fascinated by Giger’s work since the early 70s. Thank YouDavid Schafer
David Schafer <sintilation@loop.com>
Los Angeles, USA - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 23:27:07

H.R Giger is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO DOUBT
Joakim Bring <mrmad@gim.net>
Aseda, SWEDEN - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 20:28:44

this is cool and awesome
winnipeg, canada - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 19:25:15

Nice home page.-Ayan
Ayan George <ageorge@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu>
Thomasville, USA - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 19:23:55

Hey Atze, da du mich ja nicht zum kaffee einlädst und mir die seiten zeigst muß ich mich mit studenten um einen platz am pc schlagen.danke Atze. die seiten sind super geil geworden. weiter so und vielleicht werde ich ja doch mal eingeladen. entweder meldest du dich per mail,oder rufst mich an 78871 ok atze grüß deine olle und dein kleinen.gruß roni
Zeuke Stefan <zeuke@verkehrswesen.fh-wolfenbuettel.de>
Braunschweig, german - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 11:05:48

I really admire your creative insight, especially your landscape themes. I have a question for you. I know that your work has been instrumental in the creation of settings for the past three Alien movies. Will newer ideas of yours be featured in the upcoming Alien movie? Besides the actual alien, I mean.
David Cates <catesd@okstate.edu>
Stillwater, OK 74075, U.S.A. - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 01:32:59

An excellent looking web site. The bar is quite stunning! I have added to my list of European must visits.
C. Graham Meinert <gmeinert@in.net>
Indianapolis, USA - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 00:28:26

I think this is the greatest artwork I've seen, Ijust wish that it wasn't so hard to find his work around.
Jonathon Conley <ineternaldk@aol.com>
Merrill, Iowa, USA - Thursday, 05 December 1996 at 00:03:46

Just luuuurve your style of work.Keep leading the field.John
John Bingham <johnbingham@hotmail.com>
London, UK - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 23:59:33

aimee brooks <albrooks@freenet.tlh.fl.us>
tallahassee, usa - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 23:58:41

Keep up the good work Mr. Giger .
Ottawa, Canada - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 23:48:15

esta chirindongo
jose manuel martinez <jmmj@hotmail.com>
mexico, mexico - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 22:51:41

Viva el arte
aldana <aldanalo@informador.com.mx>
guadalajara, mexico - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 20:11:18

giger...einer der grössten künstler unserer zeit!
Tobias Klaus
Zittau, Germany - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 18:28:06

GIGER RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matt Collins <mcollins@Choate.net>
Wallingford, Cn, U.S.A. - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 18:18:32

Giger dominerar!
Gustaf Bengtsson <id6gube@stud.hks.se>
Karlstad, Sweden - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 18:05:10

Giger's work is incredibly awesome. I still can'tget over his designs for _Alien_. I love thebiomechanical creations too (such as the _spacejockey_ in _Alien_). This web site is a nice resourcefor his work!
John Raises <jraises@cse.unl.edu>
Plattsmouth, NE, US - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 15:47:19

Aguante Giger !!! Please, give me information.Thank you.
BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 14:44:47

+Sehr+ gute Seiten!Danke!
Bernhard Ludewig <bcl@stud.uni-hannover.de>
Hannover, Germany - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 07:21:19

I like it
rye <thenewlas@aol.com>
dundas, canada - Wednesday, 04 December 1996 at 04:35:50

What a great kind of art!
Germany - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 20:40:52

Brian Thomas <thomasb@vapo2.him.unisys.com>
Richmond, USA - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 17:58:12

I enjoy your work greatly. I just recently found your sit on the web which was great since I always had a hard time finding anything in bookstores. I have not come across a piece of your work yet that I do not like. Thanks.
Dustin Denson <dustin@telepath.com>
Norman, OK, USA - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 16:53:19

Daniel <dazinn@hotmail.com>
Markaryd, Sweden - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 13:27:39

great web page.......to match a great artist, and swiss too (im swiss)if only giger had been involved in the later alien movies.......what a shame that hollywood snubbed him like they did, for i think (yes, IMHO) gigers alien is what made the film, although it was greatly helped by ridley scotts directiongee, wish the lines autowrappped in netscape....well mr giger (hope u read this fax), congratulations on being an original challanging artist in todays commerialised world, and i hope that u continue to be your individual selfbest wishes, Michael Hibbard
michael hibbard
- Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 10:57:46

Thanks a LOT for "Aliens" and "Species".
- Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 10:15:29

You are a tremendous inspiration. What a sight you have! Your dark influence is among us all. Maybe we shall meet some day. N.
N Mireles <morph@iadfw.net>
Keller, USA - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 07:37:11

you seem to have an uncanny ability to paint realistic necrotic flesh. Have you spent any quality time with cadavers??? let me know.
quimby <RQuimby535@aol.com>
atlanta, usa - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 07:09:16

Mr. Giger,i have been fascinated with your work since i first spotted biomachanics at age 11. my mother bought it for my 12th birthday and i have been air-brushing ever since. i would like an opprtunity to show you the result of your inspiration. please e-mail me an address to send you slides. sincerely, michael
michael rosner <mrosner@scad.edu>
atlanta, USA - Tuesday, 03 December 1996 at 07:06:44

HULL, ENGLAND - Monday, 02 December 1996 at 22:21:43

Ich bin kein Kunstliebhaber und auch kein Kenner.Aber H.R. Giger's Art ist genial. Sie weckt so viel Emotionen in mir. Ich halte ihn für einen der fähigsten Künstler unserer Zeit.
Edy Boy <edyboy@bluewin.ch>
5432 Neuenhof, switzerland - Monday, 02 December 1996 at 21:42:14

what can i say? - it's exhausting !
Mike <mkhaug@stud.arch.ethz.ch>
zurich, switzerland - Monday, 02 December 1996 at 18:08:58

Being a fan and fellow self-taught, I would really like to know more about Mr, Giger's actual painting technique (ie. as detailed an account as I can find on every step he uses to turn a blank canvass into one of his finer works). What type of paints, brushes, gesso, etc. Anything would be appreciated as Mr. Giger's work certainly has my curiosity peaked. Once again, cheers from the Midwest and ciao for now. -Ant
Anton Hepler <Hepler@on-ramp.net>
US - Monday, 02 December 1996 at 05:18:54

H.R.Giger ist nach M.C. Escher DIE Hoffnung des ausgehenden 20. Jahrhunderts. Noch nie hat jemand das Phänomen MENSCH - MASCHINE so eindrucksvoll beschrieben, wie Herr Giger. Auf das er uns im nächsten Jahrtausend ( mögen seine Visionen hoffentlich wahr werden )mit seinen Gedanken und Ideen überraschen wird!!!
hakbo <thorsten@walkuere.allcon.com>
Flensburg, Germany - Monday, 02 December 1996 at 01:35:26

I like this / Ceowulf
Björn Jacobsson <ceo@swipnet.se>
Stockholm, Sweden - Sunday, 01 December 1996 at 23:07:32

Love your work!!!
Sweden - Sunday, 01 December 1996 at 20:18:15

I'm not really into this sci-fi stuff per say,,,, But I did find your site pretty interesting to say the least.....
Phillip Filtz <pfiltz@iswt.com>
Dresden, US - Sunday, 01 December 1996 at 18:33:58

I love all dark things, this includes your work. I have loved your art since I saw alien. Please continue to do your dark magic upon me. Cut is foreve in the computer.
Matt McIvor (Cut)
Guilford, English - Sunday, 01 December 1996 at 18:05:06

Awe spills from my Mind Blood pooling in empty sockets. You are an inspiration, a shaper of my dreams and Nightmares. I hope to, at the pinnacle of my talent, contain within even a shred of your unreachable Genius.
Richard Milligan <Death@Necropolis.com>
Sherwood Park, Canada - Sunday, 01 December 1996 at 07:26:48