"ALIEN INSURRECTION is the public reaction to 20th Century Fox's decision to omit credit to H.R.Giger for his design as they appeared in the film ALIEN:RESURRECTION. The film featured Giger's original designs for the four stages of the title creature's lifecycle, the Eggs, Facehugger, Chestburster and the Adult Alien unchanged from their first appearance in Ridley Scott's ALIEN, the 1979 film for which H.R.Giger received the Academy Award for "Best Achievment for Visual Effects" for the very same design of the film's alien lifeforms and their related environment. The attempt to disassociate the artist from his own creations and to deprive him of the recognition and fruits of his labor unleashed an expression of outrage and moral indignation from Alien and Giger fans alike. The official H.R.Giger WebSite is the place where they raised their collective voices in cyberspace seeking to protect the aesthetic beauty of the horror known as ALIEN and to acknowledge and reaffirm the name of its creator, H.R.Giger." |
Time: Sunday, 23 August 1998 at 15:09:38
Name: Darrell Parham
Website: http://
Referred by: The HR Giger homepage
From: Isleton, CA
Time: Sunday, 23 August 1998 at 01:01:33
Comments: As anartist myself I have come to admire and appreciate Mr. Gigers Art. I
believe that the wrongs of Twentieth Century Fox are inexcusable. I have always admired
the Alien movies and all of the "biomechanical" style Giger has added to sci-fi.
I have a copy of the Necronomicon done by Giger. It is unmistakable evidence of Giger
being the "father" of the Alien design. I can only hope that those basards at
the Fox network apologize and reimberce Mr.Giger. Hans Reudi Giger is an unmistakeable GOD
of surealistic biomechanical artwork
Name: Aaron
Website: http://
Referred by: self
Time: Sunday, 23 August 1998 at 00:45:10
Comments: This message is motivated by a personal respect for the profound talent
of Mr. Giger. You have single-handedly created the scariest on-screen create of this
century, and may Fox be damned if they dare to steal it from you. You are an Artist's
Name: Kelly Kumpf
Website: http://
Referred by: no one---found by myself
From: Cortland NY USA
Time: Friday, 21 August 1998 at 18:12:45
Comments: H.R. Giger's work is one of a kind. I find it to be fascinating!
Twentieth Century Fox should feel honored they were allowed to use such ideas and images.
The fact that they didn't even mention Giger's name in the credits of Alien Resurrection
is outrageous!! I can't believe they would dishonor such a brilliant man. I feel lucky to
simply be able to view his art. The Alien movies would never of been so succesful if
Giger's ideas weren't used. I hope this situation is corrected! I Love You Giger!!!!
Name: derek nicarry
Website: http://
Referred by: this web page...
From: orlando, florida, united states
Time: Friday, 21 August 1998 at 16:48:28
Comments: when i first saw alien: resurrection I was rather disturbed that H.R.
Giger had not been credited with anything. Yeah the Alien design had been credited in the
first movie, etc, etc. But what really bothers me is one mutant in that movie. There is a
scene where Ripley walks into the medical infirmary and discovers several horibble
mutations. One of them is of particular interest. It is almost a perfect halfway point
between a human and an Alien and my first reaction was to say that it would've been much
cooler to use as the one at the very end of the movie. Then I realized that i had seen
thatdesign somewhere before. I have yet to be able to find what it is that I think
influenced this creature's design, however I do know it exists and I do know that H.R.
Giger was the artist. Shame on the whole lot of you Hollywood Money-grubbing BASTARDS!
Name: joshua
Website: http://
From: albuquerque,nm
Time: Friday, 21 August 1998 at 09:22:56
Comments: this is a complete outrage. hr giger is the complete creator of these
creatures and they deny him his credit. i am personally offended by these actions, being
an artist myself i completely hate when i am not given credit for my own work. well i hope
mr giger finally gets his credit.
Name: Tommi Männistö
Website: http://
From: Nastola Finland
Time: Wednesday, 19 August 1998 at 01:13:12
Comments: Giger , I think, is greatest artist in this century, and he´s name
should be mentioned in Alien:Resurrection credits. That´s it.
Name: Antonios Vassiliadis
Website: http://
From: Germany
Time: Tuesday, 18 August 1998 at 09:59:56
Comments: Dear Mr.Giger! The figure of the Alien was during your 4 parts always the
same, except the Queen in part 2. In part 4 electronic animation perform visual feelings
before in a very good views, but what comes next? Perhaps, hoping for more, a part 5 with
more reality and electronics and for example with more agressive experienced music in a
harder way to feel the "SUDDENLY"...in your films......I wish you the best and
hope your imaginations and fantasy create much more in the future. Sincerly and greetins
from South Germany A.Vassiliadis
Name: Nathan Whyte
Referred by: me
From: Brisbane, Australia
Time: Tuesday, 18 August 1998 at 01:12:31
Comments: I was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia in september 96.I'm 14
years old.I learned of the alien films in 94 and have been a fan ever since.I try to draw
the alien alot but have trouble drawing it.I'ts a great, scary,cool looking design.I liked
Alien Resurrection too.But it sucks that they didn't put your(Mr Giger) name in the
credits for the alien design.I reckon they deserve what they get!I hope with the next film
they put your name in the credits
Name: Johnny Rasmussen
Website: Photography
my life
Referred by: The web depot
From: Cali - COLOMBIA
Time: Monday, 17 August 1998 at 20:42:05
Comments: Since the first day that the film ALIEN appears on the world screens, I
was converted to be a ultra fan of the alien way of seen things. Then I saw a Movie Magic
special and meet the author HR Giger, so where ever I found a book or something made by
HRG y collect it. Today I have entered the official site and have inscribed in the Museum.
I live in a country very hard, and I will find the way to send the money there, if it is
possible to pay it via Master Card this will be OK. In my personal work I use the Alien
creatures, can I submit them to you, they are made digitally, using my photographs. My
proffession is Advertising Photographer. And 52 years old. I had appear in the book made
by George Eastman House, THE ART OF PERSUASSION. Respect of your problemm with the Film
Makers remember that them are from a race that doesn t take anything in consideration, but
make money, If they doubled cross you, the Master, it dont worth your attention, ALWAYS
the good people of the ALIEN THINKING, knows that you are the father of ALIEN WAY OF LIFE.
Expecting your answer, Sincerely yours Johnny Rasmussen
Website: http://
Referred by: WWW.HR GIGER.COM
From: TRING, U.K.
Time: Saturday, 15 August 1998 at 11:06:07
Comments: I think it is discusting that FOX would snub the creator of one of its
most lucrative franchises, GIGER'S influence is obvious throughout the ALIEN series, the
fans appreciate that, why cant FOX??
Name: Marco Parodi
Website: http://
From: Asti , Italy
Time: Friday, 14 August 1998 at 14:16:12
Comments: Giger is the alien's father you must give him what is right
Name: Speed
Website: The Land of Rape and Honey
From: Portugal
Time: Friday, 14 August 1998 at 03:36:21
Comments: i didn't even know about this! i'm amazed. ever since i saw alien, i
bought giger's books and have been instantaneously hooked i don't know anything about
legalities, but can't you sue the hell out of fox?? not that the money is what matters
most, just to show them they can't treat the original queen (sorry :) like this.
Website: http://
From: perth australia
Time: Wednesday, 12 August 1998 at 01:23:09
Comments: I am someone who absolutely adores Mr Gigers works, and his creative mind
and all the rest. I suggest Mr Giger that you tell Fox to fuck off , and go suck your
backside, because they are a bunch of tossers and should be kissing your feet, and
high-lighting your name in those credits. Lets hope that their bodies are invaded by
chestbursters and that a thousand fleas infest their armpits!!!
Name: Nicolas Palmer
Website: N/A
Referred by: ww.HRGiger.com
From: Atlanta, Georgia
Time: Tuesday, 11 August 1998 at 13:47:29
Comments: I'm just writing again to say, you ought to have them get a
representative from thier company and have them apologize for thier greed on national
television, or get them to make another film, with your help and with the money they made
from your designs. This is also for Fox to read: I.....could.....not....make.....another
alien sequel...without using H.R.Giger's necronimicon: Lady with reptilian symbiosis. The
designs, the backgrounds, the way they influece the characters in each story are all
spawned from the paintings. I'm going to explain why H.R.Giger is irritated by this
problem, in the way I would to a child, because situation deems it necessary: say H.R.G
has an apple, everybody else does too, but hes got a wierd one, but it's interesting
because of it's unique difference, Ridley Scott, a damn good filmmaker, gets an idea, but
his apple does'nt make for the specific purpose, he searches for another... H.R.Giger
has'nt had any plans to use his special, yet "ugly duckling" apple for film
usage, but Ridley finds it ( with all do *respect*)and decides to use it. Now H.R.G.got
praise and appreciation for his long and sometimes mentally frustrating production of this
apple.The respect for it pulsates into the dark over time, and the sharks find an opening
for a bite, circling around in a premature mucus, these are'nt your usual sharks, they
have business suits and baseball caps, all of them are gluey, for thier clothes came out
of thier hearts. They drift out with thier gillslits flapping and swim into shallower
seas. THE only credit I give them is as they drift along with thier suitcases wide, this
form of animal can't stay afloat with out them, thier fins, they need to survive, we all
do. They just don't understand that. So to make a long story short everything AFTER
Aliens, but yet in a way started there, the using of someone elses apple for thier
notoriety. In other words there, a strange, almost frightening appendage manifested from
thier gaping mouths and transfixed the vulnerable apple and sucked out the pulp like a
vaccume cleaner and because of thier unfathomable ability to remain volatile, not a
whisper is passed, not even by the trees. Alien was by far one of the best movies I have
seen with Space. Part two was also a good movie, Three was interesting by the drama and
special effects using steel puppets, but all of them duck thier heads beneath the sand of
reality as that painful word that flies overhead with it's bat wings and capitallized
letters "UNORIGINALITY", it flaps by with honesty in its purest form. Alien
Ressurection is DEFINATELY a ressurection. Too bad I did'nt see any name that had anything
to do with the name "Giger". I could of sworn I saw some of his artwork up
there: the part where "miracal Ripley"who survives all the time, falls into the
reproduction area of the aliens and becomes acqainted with her new family, or in almost
every single second of the film, better yet. Sigourny Weaver is a talented actor and
looked very good in Alien, but the actor in alot of cases don't just make the movie. I
don't know everything, but I know alot, especially when someone gets ripped off..........
Name: Paul Birkbeck
Website: http://
From: Thorold, Canada
Time: Tuesday, 11 August 1998 at 01:31:06
Comments: I first read about the inexcusable behaviour of those slugs at Fox in the
Toronto Star newspaper. I honestly can't believe they still haven't recognized HRGiger not
only as the creator of the Alien creature and landscapes, but as the absolute progenitor
of the Alien legacy. As he states in his letters to Fox, the sequels would simply not
exist if not for his unparalleled imagination. No doubt, without HRGiger, the original
Alien movie would still have been made, but with just another boring, unimaginitive
looking creature that would be neither horrifyingly sinister nor stunningly beautiful.
Gigers Alien is both graceful, savage, and frighteningly realistic. That, coupled with
Ridley Scotts' vision is what made the original movie an unparalled success to this day in
the sci-fi/horror genre. The big shots at Fox should get down on their knees and thank
HRGiger, as should we all, for sharing his macabre imagination with us all. We are truly
privaleged. As for Fox, I will not buy a copy of Resurrection as I had planned. I will
take a page from their book and steal from them as they stole from HRGiger. I will rent
the tape and copy it for myself and perhaps a few extras for friends and family. HRGiger
should sue the pants off them, simply on principle. Yours, in disgust, Paul Birkbeck.
Name: Bryce Lindstrom
Website: http://
From: Sydney, Australia 2119
Time: Monday, 10 August 1998 at 21:27:57
Comments: Fox is definetly in the wrong. Clearly you have a strong case in which to
sue them for. If you need help i would gladly lend myself
Name: Dieter Jabs
Website: http://
From: Australia
Time: Monday, 10 August 1998 at 19:01:18
Comments: I must say that I am shocked and dissappointed that H.R. Giger received
no credit for his Alien design during the credits at the beginning or end of Alien
Resurrection. It's ridiculous. Since the 1970's, when people thought of Aliens and the way
they look, Giger is immediately thought of, and when thinking of Giger, his Alien design
is immediately thought of. They go hand in hand. I've seen his ideas blatantly ripped off
in the past, and when the movie series which was spawned by his ideas cheats him of
credit, it is a sad day indeed. I, along with many others, believe he should get the
credit he rightfully deserves. So whoever this mail goes to let it be known that H.R.
Giger, undoubtedly one of the greatest and most influential artists of our time, deserves
his name in the credits to Alien Resurrection.
Name: Carlos Eduardo Muñoz Parraga
Website: http://
From: Caracas,Venezuela
Time: Monday, 10 August 1998 at 01:04:01
Comments: Mr. H. R. Giger: What can i said?, i didnt know that you have been left
out of the credits, but i kind off felt it that way. On alien 4, it was obvious than only
asshole directed the movie and you wasn´t there to stand against so many heretic thing.
Against the Alien itself and us the public who admire the alien movies from the begginig.
Too many stupid jokes, but worst of all, the computerize sceen of the swiming aliens; That
stands against the scense of your organic work, so real that it can be almost smell! (a
unique quality of all your work). Sorry, if i can`t express myself like i would like,
Spanish is my original language. But what i fear from, when i got out of the last movie,
that Fox or whoever is res- ponsable just put an end to the aliens movies sequences. For
that! they should be legaly sue or just expose, so maibe it won´t happen again and won´t
destroy so- mething they can´t create, admire or understand. Arq. Caguardo Muñoz.
Name: Torbjørn Lium
From: Tynset / Norway
Time: Sunday, 09 August 1998 at 11:45:43
Comments: What can I say? The two letters, and having viewed the films myself only
confirms the suspicion I have had since the third sequal to Alien. It seems like Fox
thinks it is superior to giving credits to the artist who is the copyrighted owner of the
visual design of the aliens. (need I mention his name?) Only one question remains: has
H.R.Giger recieved a reply to any of the letters published on his Website, and if so is
there any chance of reading the reply? H.R.Giger has my full support in this matter.
Name: Andrea Bano
Website: http://
From: Padova Camposampiero
Time: Friday, 07 August 1998 at 16:07:50
Comments: Mr Giger,lei è il primo e unico creatore di Alien,la sua è arte che
sgorga dall'intimo ed esplode in questo mondo,ma questo per loro è solo denaro,lontani
anni luce da ciò che significa CREARE,io le sono vicino sapendo che tutti i grandi
artisti hanno sofferto ingiustizie e alla fine ne sono usciti vincitori.
Name: Andrea Bano
Website: http://
From: Padova Camposampiero
Time: Friday, 07 August 1998 at 15:57:51
Comments: Mr.Giger, you are the one end only father of this creature,your's art
caming from the soul, bat for they'are only mony. I'm with you.Dont worry we win.
Name: Arthur Stewart
Website: http://
Referred by: yahoo
From: Albuquerque/USA
Time: Friday, 07 August 1998 at 13:06:35
Comments: It is typical of Fox to do this to a great master of surreal art and a
great hero to all who not only enjoy Alien, but who admire all your other works. Your art
is an inspiration and a wonderful terror which I have enjoyed since my first viewing of
the Alien movie when I was six years old. This thing with Fox is another example of greedy
capitalism at work.
Name: Kössl Bettina
Website: http://
From: Regensburg-Germany
Time: Friday, 07 August 1998 at 11:21:30
Comments: The only think I can say is: IT' S A SHAME !!!!! Me and my husband were
so furious about this act (not being mentioned) that for us it is not a REAL
"Alien-movie". With love, Bettina
Name: Jack T Ripper
Referred by: White Chaple
From: ---------------
Time: Thursday, 06 August 1998 at 18:47:15
Comments: Well it looks like Fox is doing more cutting than I am. Anyways yes it is
an injustice to take some one'slife work and turn it into a trival thing like this. If
they were going to give in and fold so Giger could get the credit that he deserves then
they would have already. Now i understand that if i were to create somthing as powerful as
his work or as beutiful as his Alien, I would be in a uproar also. But I just dont see
were any of this will help him to acheive his goal and get the credit that he so bluntly
deserves. All in all i feel for H.R. Giger. he is a very talented person who is getting
exploited as much as i was. Always remeber I am in your corner and waiting in the shadows
dressed to the knife to help you out H.R. Bye Bye for now.
Name: Marc Leeman
Website: http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9219654
From: Leuvenm, Flanders
Time: Wednesday, 05 August 1998 at 09:57:49
Comments: THough this is probably one letter between the many, and is is late,
THERE IS ONLY ONE ALIEN CREATOR I don't need to mention his name
Name: I 905 R
Website: http://
From: Orange, CA--USA
Time: Tuesday, 04 August 1998 at 11:08:05
Comments: Its stupid on the companies part, but his signature is already all over
the film. Anybody who knows whats up will recognize who the man behind it is, and if they
don't then they either need to find out or crawl out of the hole they're in.
Name: James Powell
Website: http://
From: Anglesey,N,Wales,UK.
Time: Tuesday, 04 August 1998 at 08:31:15
Comments: I'm a big fan of Mr.Giger. As an artist myself I can appreciate his work
and have often used some of his techniques when creating my own compositions. It is an
appaling state of affairs when such an artist as Mr.Giger isn't aknowleged for his work,
and I believe that the sterling work he has been doing in all of the Alien films that he
participated in designing should be appreciated by all concerned. Yours sincerely: James
Name: quentin02
Website: http://
From: vancouver, canada
Time: Monday, 03 August 1998 at 15:51:52
Comments: I think anyone who's seen Giger's artwork will immediately know the real
score. That's pretty much what counts, isn't it? q02
Name: John Ridley
Website: http://
Time: Sunday, 02 August 1998 at 21:14:51
Comments: Who gives a shit? You people are making too much of big deal out of
something as trivial as the whinings of a pretentious painter who annoyingly refers to
himself in the third person. Give it up, go fight world hunger or something.
Name: Craig Owen
Website: http://
From: England
Time: Sunday, 02 August 1998 at 14:16:20
Comments: without gigers artwork alien would have been just another sci-flop it is
the aliens agressive and seemingly demonic appearance that helped make the films the hits
that they are today and not to mention him in Resurrection is criminal shame on the Fox
crew for forgetting this geniuses work
Name: Lee Miller
Website: http://
Referred by: Injustice!
From: Georgia, U.S.A.
Time: Saturday, 01 August 1998 at 01:03:37
Comments: Sooo, Fox has yet again disregarded the creator of the Alien design. I'm
not so suprised. H.R. Giger is probably one of the most exploited artists in modern media.
I doubt seriously that the Alien sequels, Poltergeist 2, Dune, Species, etc., would have
much redeeming quality if they hadn't had Giger involved in them at some point. He's
pretty much all that saved Poltergeist 2 and Species from being in the dollar bin at the
local Blockbuster! As an artist who has been plaguerized before, I know how damaging it is
to see someone else claiming credit for ypur creation. It's akin to waking up in a bathtub
full of ice and discovering that someone has stolen one of your kidneys or lungs! I was
not protected by copyright, but HR, you ARE! I believe FOX owes you more than just the
credit you earned in the titles, they owe you millions of dollars in merchandising
royalties for toys, comics, etc.! 20th Century Fox is laughing all the way to the fracking
bank, and they can't even give you a mention in their theatrical releases!? I think Alien
Ressurection is perhaps the poorest of all the sequels...it was executed quite
ingeniously, but the script suffered in several parts. I'm sick and tired of Hollywood
treating us all like idiots, and I'm sick and tired of them treating one of my favorite
visionaries in a similar manner! Hans Ruedi Giger should be getting payed 30 million
dollars per film, not Jim Fucking Carrey! I think HR, you should mail the executives at
20th Century Fox that Unlucky/EvilDevil's Mask for Satanic Ceremonies that have in storage
and talked about in rh+ .... then the only thing those bastards at Fox would ever release
again would be their bowels as they meet their gruesome end! HA! Thank you, Hansreudi, for
sharing your dark, uninhibited fantasies with us in your highly personal, unimitatable
style. No signature is ever needed to know where your hand has been.
Witness the
Insurrection in our July comments! (click here) |